Cooper Hall Solicitors



0333 777 5001


Bradford: Listerhills Science Park, BD7 1HR
Blackburn: Kings Court, BB2 2DH


Cooper Hall Solicitors

Careers with Cooper all Solicitors

Pursuing a career at Cooper Hall Solicitors promises both rewarding opportunities and exciting challenges.

At Cooper Hall Solicitors, you can look forward to a fulfilling career with a renowned and respected national law firm.

At Cooper Hall Solicitors, it’s not just about legal roles – you’ll also discover a variety of non-legal opportunities, including positions in operations, IT, marketing, customer service, and more.

Current Oportunities

Our commitment

At Cooper Hall Solicitors, we are dedicated to helping our team members reach their full potential through ongoing training and development. We provide opportunities for career growth, empowering individuals to achieve their professional aspirations.

Legal Professional Careers

Equal Opportunity Careers

Students & Trainees

Development & Learning